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Playlist Lagu Pink

Thursday 4 October 2012

Poem of Black and White...

Puisi ini dikatakan ditulis oleh seorang budak di afrika mengenai diskriminasi warna kulit antara golongan orang kulit hitam dan orang kulit putih. ayat yang cukup simple tapi maksudnya sampai 8)

Being Colored !

Being Colored:
When I was born...I was BLACK. 
When I grew up...I was BLACK.
When I am sick...I am BLACK
When I go out in the sun...I am BLACK.
When I go out in the cold...I am BLACK.
When I die...I am BLACK.

When you are born...You are PINK.
When you grow up...You are PEACH.
When you are sick...You are GREEN.
When you go out in the cold...You are BLUE.
When you are scared... You are WHITE.
When you go out in the sun...You are RED.
When you die...You turn PURPLE.

And you have the nerve to call me "COLORED"!
:e :e :e :e

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